13 November 2008

Questions, introspection?

Stolen from the amazing Lady Smaggle
1. Were you named after anyone? Yes. My Mum's eldest sister, Anna Lee. They changed the spelling, of course.

2. Do you still have your tonsils? Yup.

3. Would you bungee jump? No, I'm not rather fond of puking.

4. What is your favorite cereal? Quaker Oat Squares.

5. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Not if I can get them off without doing so.

6. What is your favourite ice cream? Spumoni or Rainbow Sherbet.

7. What is the first thing you notice about people? Facial structure. It's the physical anthropologist in me...

8. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Mental illnesses. But, who would I be without them?

9. What was the last thing you ate? Real food- Corn Pops and Soy Milk. Junk- Runts Candy. >.<

10. What are you listening to right now? Just this second it's Everlong by the Foo Fighters <3 <3 <3

11. Last movie you watched? Run Fatboy Run. OMG <3

12. What did you dream about last night? I never remember my dreams. :(

13. What book are you reading? The Hogfather by Terry Pratchett

14. Summer or winter? Fall! Screw the heat and bugger the cold.

15. Do you have any special talents? Not particularly. I can move my glutei independently...I guess that's "talent"?

Well, that was fun.

Things I've discovered today:
-I can listen to Layla by Eric Clapton on repeat and be very happy about it for up to an hour. Eric Clapton's music does something to me and it tickles.
-Swiffer dusters are a godsend in this office.
-Someone left a cultural anthropology book in the lab and I hope they don't come back to claim it. I wants it.
-I like my short hair. And if I had any doubts about the color they were abated by my fellow art students on Tuesday. Finally somebody else got the 'gradient' thing!
-Start wearing purple!
-I'm broke beyond belief. UGH. >.<


Organic Meatbag said...

Independent glute control is big these days...they even check for that on Monster.com!

Sheila said...

I liked...gah, what was the name, the "Omens" book Pratchett did with Neil Gaiman. Funny stuff.

Thanks for following! I look forward to your commments.

Sheila said...

2 seconds later...that would be "Good Omens".

Man, my mind is like a sieve.

Leigh-Anna said...

My mind is just as bad!
"Good Omens" was my first introduction to Pratchett and I'm now addicted. My husband has a huge collection and I've been going through them completely out of order just to annoy him. :P I was already a Gaiman fan.
I love your blog and thank you for the comments! ^_^

Leigh-Anna said...

And if independent glute control were a marketable skill outside of strip joints I'd be set. :P