30 September 2008

Not in MY America, damnitall.





If this incident is related to the release of that DVD, then it's true that John McCain kills babies to live! My theory will be proven!

Joking aside, this scares the hell out of me. How can people be so callous as to try and harm a room full of babies and children? I thought we were past the times of religious persecution in this country; past the time of witch hunts and torture for not believing the way of the majority. Am I mistaken in thinking that America was founded on the basis of religious freedom?

28 September 2008

I spoke too soon. The RPD officer messed up the report and has it listed that I somehow hit the old lady. Yes...I made my car drive sideways and tore my entire bumper off with only minor damage to her fender. WTF?!?!?!?!?!!!!!
So...I have to try and contact the officer and see if we can clarify the report. As it is now I have to pay for everything. Fuck that and a bag of biscuits.

Wedding planning is moving along. Just 4 weeks left. So much to do but we can get it done. We finalized things down at Cumberland on Friday; the menu, table arrangements, etc. are all good to go. The menu:
Fresh Fruit
Herb Baked Chicken
DeepFried Catfish
Mashed Potatoes
Honey-Glazed Carrots (hahaha)
Green Beans
Banana Pudding
Iced Tea, Water, and Coffee
Cake and Punch

Everything is being catered by the lodge restaurant and having eaten there several times since we've been planning the wedding, it will be DELICIOUS. There will be pudding for those who don't like cake and they've agreed to us my grandmother's punch recipe to serve with the cake (which Mum and I are making). As I said, still lots to do but I thnk we're on track.

19 September 2008

I am never leaving the house again. period. (and extra periods........)

So, after being sick the past couple of days with fluid in my ear I decide to make the best of things and get out of the house. I went to the local Hell-Mart to get seat covers for my new car. I checked out and put my purchases in the trunk. I got in, checked my mirrors, turned on the air, looked both ways behind me twice and proceeded to back out very slowly. Fat lot of good that did me as an old lady with a bouffant backed into me and tore my damn bumper off. THE WHOLE DAMN BUMPER. It was one of those slow-motion horror moments. I screamed "No, stop, no no no Oh fuck" to no avail. She hit me and kept right on going. I got out of the car and it was hanging off of one side by a piece of liner felt, sitting at a 45 degree angle from the back of my car. Foam and bits were everywhere. I made sure the old lady was fine. Her car? Yeah,some smudges of yellow paint on the rear fender. She didn't stop once she hit me,hence tearing my entire bumper off. I picked my bumper up so no one would run over it and started making the necessary calls. RPD, insurance, Mum, Trav and Ryan (who got texted since he's in Mississippi for work). I was doing alright until I heard her say to a friend who showed up that it was my fault. I couldn't sucker punch an old lady so I bit my tongue and sat in the divers seat. Waited around for the cop to show up, luckily she was one of the nicest RPD officers I've met thus far. I heard her tell the lady she was at fault while I was using my multi-tool to cut the felt loose so I could pick my bumper up and put it in my trunk. Mum showed up right after the cop left and the old lay pulled away. She helped me maneuver the bumper through the trunk and back seats.

I give up. I've not even had the car a week and this happens. WTF? *sigh* I know things could be A LOT worse ut seriously? An old lady tore my bumer off, said it was my fault and wouldn't look me in the eye?

Some photos after I got home:

15 September 2008


New car=awesome.
It's been a few years since I drove a standard but it's coming back to me pretty well.

14 September 2008

Scarefest and a new car

I went to Scarefest (horror and paranormal convention) today with my bff Magtar and her adorable hubby Aaron. I was so much fun. we went in our Toy Soldier uniforms (representing the Good Doctor) and had our pictures taken a billion times. We met and got signatures and memorabilia from Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, Tony Todd, Tom Savini, Michael Berryman and Victor Miller. All of them were awesome! Victor Miller, you are now my hero. This was my first convention experience and I loved it! Mags, Aaron and I are hopefully going to go to some more things of this type and spread the good word of Dr. Steel! Being in uniform made me feel More comfortable somehow.
Evidence of the Awesome:
With Bill Moseley (Choptop, Otis Firefly, Luigi Lago)

With Shannon Sylvia of Ghost Hunters International

With Victor Miller (writer of Friday the 13th)

I go get my new car tomorrow. It's a 2003 Ford Focus ZX hatchback. So excited!!! Some stock photos (same colour):

I can't wait!

02 September 2008

We survived!

Mum and I survived our surgeries just fine. She has 6 incisions and 22+ staples. I came away with a 2 inch half-circle scar just off center from my sternum. (tattoo designs in the works...) No staples or stitches, just Steri-strips. I'm at work today and it's been a struggle not to walk around cradling my breast like I have been at home. I've a rather nasty bruise that aches down to the bone and in my arm pit and my whole arm is acting funny (tingly, weak), as expected. I slept 17 hours yesterday thanks to vicodin.

Mum is adjusting to her new diet or lack thereof. Protein drinks and lots of water. She's on pureed food now, a couple of weeks before solids. She's so happy though and it's contagious. I'm happy for her and hope she can move forward with her life now, slowly but steadily.

We're learning to make roman chain and granulation/fusing. I'm going to make a sweater chain I think. We've to make 2 pieces for the granulation project and a length of chain so I'm going to combine the two and make something I've wanted for years now.
I'm making a half-mask for my first sculpture project (casting in bronze). Rather excited about that.

Lookit the earsss!

Lookit the earsss!, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

Lily, with her radar on as Dad says. She likes snuggling and burrowing in the blankets for a nap.