07 March 2009

Today I love:
Depeche Mode. I've rotated through their greatest hits this morning and it's been superb. Fits my mood perfectly. Plus, they've a new video out from the new album due out 04/21/09. Said video:

Also, I love my dogs. I'd be lost without them.

I'm also in love with the new U2 album. <3 I've been alternating that and DM today and feel pretty good because of it.

I have my first training for Mary Kay tonight. Yeah...I'm not your typical MK lady, that's for sure...but I'm walking testimony for their products so why not try my hand at it? We'll see how it goes.


Sheila said...

I've been a Depeche Mode fan since "Some Great Reward" (I have it on record still!). Your pups are so cute. :)

Love U2 - gotta get that album.

Hey, Mary Kay is great stuff - I grew up with it. It was my first make-up - my aunt was a MK lady.

Leigh-Anna said...

Depeche Mode just makes me melt with happiness. The new U2 album is great! I downloaded it from iTunes the day it was released. :)
I love MK too. That's the main reason I'm going into the business; I believe in the products and want to share. That's so cool that MK was your first makeup- it was mine too! I stole MK makeup from my Mum.