01 April 2009


red necklace
Originally uploaded by bataleigh
Super comfy for chilly morning errands but the long sleeves won't be necessary the rest of the day I can tell. I never thought I'd wear leggings and flats again (post childhood that is...oh early 90's...) but I can't pass up the comfort level of both.

Thermal shirt: American Apparel
Dress: Apt. 9 @ Kohl's (several years ago now)
Leggings: Family Dollar
Leopard Print Flats (<3): Mossimo Supply Co.
Necklace: LB (clearnace for $4!)
Dandelion: the first signs of Spring!
Fluffy head: Mr. Bowen


Sheila said...

You look great in this outfit. I'm not a leggings fan - never wore them in the 80s/90s except around the house - but these work with the dress really well.

Love that necklace.

Leigh-Anna said...

Thanks Sheila! I like them pretty much only with this dress. I worry that the flats+capri leggings combo makes my legs look stubby. I might need to hunt up some longer leggings.

I wish I'd never worn them as a child, really. My Mum thought they were a godsend; stretchy clothing that was in style was the easiest way to clothe an obese child.