07 February 2009

helloraiser kitty

helloraiser kitty, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

The newest (and fresh!) tattoo. It amuses me to no end and I think that's important sometimes.
I go back in 2 weeks for some more work on my chest.

I'll hopefully return to outfit blogging next week. I've been lazy the past few days after returning to work post-ice storm and didn't put much thought into my clothes so I didn't photograph them. I realized how much I actually enjoy putting outfits together now! I kinda missed it.

Off to pick up my Mary Kay order then to a baby shower for the cutest couple I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Thats hilarious! But will she still tear your soul apart? (sorry-I just had to add that near quote.)
I never knew you had a blog- will definitely be coming back!