Last Friday I was forcefully terminated from my job.
Since then I've been angry, sad, depressed and delirious. Sometimes all at once. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook, like this is a catalyst for a good change in my life. Time will tell I suppose. But for now, I'm applying for jobs and working on a case against my former employers. More about that as it comes to fruition.
I'm going to still try to post outfits for interviews and meetings. Or if I feel especially cute and confident. Perhaps I need to make myself post everyday so I'll get out of my pajamas...
Aw no!!! I'm so sorry. I wish you a speedy job recovery. If it makes you feel any better I've lost my job too recently :( What are ya gonna do...
Now might be a good time to catch up on sleep, reading and a little thing called television!
That sucks! The economy is in the crapper right now for sure. I'm sorry you're in the same place as me. :(
I'm definitely trying to catch up on some things. Mostly housework for now (bleah) but once that's done I'll be catching up on some reading and knitting. I've challenged myself to move past knotting scarves and onto bigger and better things, much like my job search. ^_^
:((( Aw maaaaan. Sorry to hear this :-(
That's awful! I am so sorry to hear that, Leigh-Anna - that royally sucks!
Try to stay positive and put this in perspective. Where will you be in a year? Five years? This is a minor traffic accident in the road of life - you will get through and be stronger!
Take care,
Thanks everyone for the good ju-ju! I'm staying positive and moving forward. I'm trying to work on my art and jewelry to stay busy while I wait to hear back about interviews and my grievance with my former supervisors. ^_^
I am also angry, sad, depressed and delirious...but it's because of my job that I've had for 11 years...aye...
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