26 August 2008

*Waves a white flag*

I'm having surgery this Friday to remove a mass/lump/cyst from my left breast. They don't think it is cancerous or anything, thankfully, it's just sore as hell. It will be a minor outpatient procedure and I'll just be sore for a while. I've decided if the scar is too big or unsightly I'll just design a tattoo to go over it. New plan: scar I don't like=new tattoo to cover it.
Mum is having Bariatric surgery Thursday. The Gastric Bypass procedure to be precise. We're all nervous for her as it will be an enormous change in lifestyle for the rest of her life. But, I think she'll do just fine. She'll be at the hospital right next to the surgery center I'm going to Friday so I'll spend the rest of the day after my surgery with her.
I've grown to despise my job. Not necessarily the job itself but several...elements...I have to contend with. To cut to the chase, I'm pretty sure my bosses hate me. Well, maybe hate is a rather strong term. I'm sure I come in rather low on their lists. The red-headed step child of the department, so-to-speak. I've been really down the past week because of my schedule. I should be excited about classes starting but instead I am full of dread. My work schedule is thus:
Sunday 1pm-9pm
Monday- (workout 10am-12pm) 3:30pm-12am
Tuesday-10am-3pm,(Class) 9pm-12am
Wednesday- (workout 10am-12pm) 3:30pm-12am
Thursday-10am-3pm, (Class) 9pm-12am
The kink is that getting off at 12am and being back to work at 10am is tough, especially for someone with sleep issues and bipolar disorder. It's hard to get straight to sleep, I'm lucky if I fall asleep by 2 am (usually more like 3 or so) and I have to get back up at 8:30 am in order to take care of the dogs and get dressed for work, find a parking space, etc. A week or so of this and I may well be off my rocker, not to mention when the hell am I supposed to get studio time in? I can't exactly sculpt at my office desk now can I? I may very well just haul in my alcohol lamp and do wax work. If I had been moved to first shift (Like I've requested for the second year in a row only to be shot down for various not-HR approved reasons), I'd work 7:30 am-4:00 pm, missing only 30min. of work twice a week to go to class. Instead I have to pull 2 14 hour days a week to make up the difference. Not to be a fatalist, but this may well eat away at the last little bit of sanity I have. I give it a month before I'm visiting my shrink or drinking myself to sleep. (Ah...NyQuil...)
Also...planning a wedding on top of all this? *sigh* I'm even more masochistic than I realized.

This applies.

I love this woman and this song really hits home, especially right now.

11 August 2008


I did precisely nothing this weekend. Unless you count catching up on sleep, which I did plenty of. I always make grand plans to get things accomplished on my days off but when the time comes I'm too tired to do much of anything except sleep and play WoW, which sometimes is about as engaging as sleeping, wherein I have fallen asleep while playing.
I did make it out to buy some storage tubs to put away my dance garb since I won't be needing it for a while. Now to actually go through the 7 or so years of accumulated garb, clean it and lovingly pack it away until I feel ready to dance again. Dunno if/when that will be. I'm still smarting from that fallout. I just want to cry at the mention of the troupe and what they're doing or not doing and that's ridiculous. I try no to dwell on it. I've lost 2 very close friends in the same manner; I tolerate personality quirks until I can't take it any more because they're hurting other people. I take a stand and end up losing a friend over it. Maybe I'm better for it but at this point it still stings. I feel very alone outside of that close-knit group. But from the outside I see more flaws than I ever did from the inside. That's the way it usually goes. Disillusioned but now lonely.
I've got to get cracking on these wedding invitations. Like this week. >.< DIY is sometimes a PITA.

07 August 2008


barooo!, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

Mr. Bowen, you are one of the best dogs ever.

I want to hate myself for this but I can't.


My only regret is that Mr. Phelps wasn't in the building. I want to feel bad for hating the bastard so much but I can't. He's a pariah, a waste of human flesh, a carbuncle on the ass of society. Unfortunately even if he were put out of our misery some other fucknut would just take his place. These people frustrate me to no end.

05 August 2008

Lily Bug

Lily Bug, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

Lily, our foster puppy for the time being. She's been through a lot in her 10 weeks of life. Being dropped off at the Estill Co. shelter, living there for a week, a week in rescue and now almost 2 weeks with us. She's survived worms, a probable spider bite, a sever leg infection, a massive flea infestation and scabies. She's on her way to being healthy but all this hasn't kept her from being a rambunctious puppy. She loves Freyja and mum's dogs love her too. If we can't keep her I hope we can find a super loving home for her with another dog or two for company.

I'm glaring with contempt at a new Windows Vista machine as I chew on some beef jerky. I'm supposed to install some Windows98-era software (on floppy disks, mind you), make it functional and pull an image for a lab of 40 machines. Balls.
It is so tempting to log into WoW and glare at the Vista machine out of the corner of my eye for the remainder of the day. But...I know better...I think.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.