01 December 2008

Daily Outfit 12/01/08

Daily Outfit 12/01/08, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

I feel very proto-military when I wear my big boots with capris. I love it.

Boots: Demonia
Everything Else: Lane Bryant
Necklace: Me
Fluffy Butt: Mr. Bowen

I tried styling my bangs differently too. I think I like them this way. Nice to have options.


Sheila said...

I love the deep purple with the black. What is the pattern on the capris? Is it a dragon? (I hope so, I love dragons).

Your hair is too cute...*sigh*...I miss being able to do cute hair. I'm too damned old for cute, grumble grumble.

Leigh-Anna said...

Danke! It's some scrollwork and swirls with rhinestones actually. I wish it were a dragon too! That would make these the most awesome pants ever.

You're never too old for cute! I'm banking on that since I don't think I'll ever be able to pull off "sophisticated".