24 February 2009


Last Friday I was forcefully terminated from my job.
Since then I've been angry, sad, depressed and delirious. Sometimes all at once. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook, like this is a catalyst for a good change in my life. Time will tell I suppose. But for now, I'm applying for jobs and working on a case against my former employers. More about that as it comes to fruition.
I'm going to still try to post outfits for interviews and meetings. Or if I feel especially cute and confident. Perhaps I need to make myself post everyday so I'll get out of my pajamas...

17 February 2009


Originally uploaded by bataleigh
The Freyja Mouse makes an appearance today. She's my mischievous youngest child. Today was a long day at work to say the least. At least I was comfortable!

Dress- LB (Clearance racks, yeah!)
Sweater- LB
Belt- Cato (I really need more belts...)
Scarf- Vintage (Hand-rolled in Japan)
Wedding boots- My Vintage Sole
The Black Blur- Freyja Mouse

16 February 2009


Originally uploaded by bataleigh
My husband rearranged the living room and the couch is in front of where I normally take my photo. So, I'm outside until I can find another spot. The pups decided to make an appearance today.

Dress- Apt. 9
Vest- Mossimo
Tights- We Love Colors
Flats- Mossimo Supply

Not sure if I'm in love with this brown hair colour. It's darker than what I'd imagined. We'll see how it washes up.

13 February 2009


Originally uploaded by bataleigh
Casual Friday a.k.a. The boss is out of the office today. It so tempting to not cover any of my tattoos and not fli up my septum ring but I have to be out on campus today representing the department. *sigh*

Mini trench- LB
Stripey shirt- Abney Park band tee (www.abneypark.com)
Wide leg, high-waist jeans-LB
Ugly but comfy shoes- Brooks

12 February 2009


Originally uploaded by bataleigh
This is the only turtleneck I own. I've been very anti-turtleneck for years but this one isn't so bad.

Dress- LB
Turtleneck- American Apparel
Jeans- LB Right Fit Blue
Flats- Mossimo supply
Fluffy head- Mr. Bowen

10 February 2009


Originally uploaded by bataleigh
I feel very patriotic in this. It's a little out of my normal comfort zone as the only black I'm wearing is the belt and shoes. ACK!

Dress- WW Catalog
Tights- We Love Colors
Belt and Shoes- Cato

09 February 2009


02.09.09, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

I have no feet it seems. Ha!

Scarf- Vintage (Lot off of eBay)
Sweater- LB
Denim trousers- LB
Invisible but trust me they're ugly shoes- Brooks
Silver Halloween charm bracelet- Gift from Mum

07 February 2009

helloraiser kitty

helloraiser kitty, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

The newest (and fresh!) tattoo. It amuses me to no end and I think that's important sometimes.
I go back in 2 weeks for some more work on my chest.

I'll hopefully return to outfit blogging next week. I've been lazy the past few days after returning to work post-ice storm and didn't put much thought into my clothes so I didn't photograph them. I realized how much I actually enjoy putting outfits together now! I kinda missed it.

Off to pick up my Mary Kay order then to a baby shower for the cutest couple I know.

04 February 2009


020409, originally uploaded by bataleigh.

A wonky morning picture! My tripod was crooked it seems, much like my belt. Oh well.

Baby blue thermal- American Apparel
Brown sweater- Sonoma
Wide Leg Trouser Jeans- LB
Belt- LB
Shoes- >.> These are my husband's Skechers...I thought they'd make good snow-going shoes. I was right. And yes, we wear the same shoe size. >.<

I've finally got power and heat back after the big ice storm last week. We were without power at our house for 6 days and I was off work for 4 of those, thankfully. Sunday it was 65 and melted the last of the snow and ice away. Tuesday it snowed all day and this mornign I awoke to 2+ inces of snow on the ground and it's still going strong. Work was on a 2 hour delay but the roads were still a mess. It took me 5 tries to get up the hill on my street and the rest of the drive was not the easiest either. I doubt they'd call school off again after beign closed all last week but it would be nice to not have to be out in this all day and evening, as I've class tonight.

On a better note, I get to get tattooed again on Friday! It gives me something to look forward to thus it helps me get through the week.